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green food – The two co-founders of the eco-responsible restaurant label

Mama Trotter in Vienne is the first restaurant in Isère to obtain the title of eco-responsible restaurant by obtaining the Green Food label. A label created a year and a half ago by two friends from Nantes and booming nationally.

In Vienne, the restaurant-boutique of chef Ryma Prost-Romand paved the way in Isère for this label, which validates its commitment to using local, organic and vegan products. National recognition obtained after having fulfilled nine of the ten points of the label’s environmental charter.
At the origin of this label, Augustin, 21 years old, “the gourmand” and Alexis 27 years old, “the engaged” (this is how they define themselves) very attached to the notion of local and organic food that all actions in favor of the environment frequent restaurants that are part of this approach. “But how can we find eco-responsible restaurants if we have to move to another city? », They wonder. Answer: by creating an organization which, via a charter that they design, issues a label. This is how Green Food was born. “Working at Maïf, we noticed that, within the framework of the“ Maïf social club ”investment fund, a platform made available to members, start-ups in the collaborative economy were flourishing. This prompted us to create this label, ”explains Augustin. They carried out a field survey of committed and “self-proclaimed” eco-responsible restaurateurs to find out if they would be interested in building an environmental charter. “A charter which treats and assesses all environmental footprints such as local or organic supply, waste management through selective sorting and composting, the use of ecological cleaning products, which is not easy thing knowing that 95% of existing products come from the petrochemical industry. Or even offer vegetarian menus, or doggy-bags ”, underlines the co-founder.
